My grandfather passed away
On September 25, my best friend in the whole world, my grandfather, Peter Tsypkin, passed away, at almost 87 years old. I was already flying to the US, because of the rapid cancer progression (he was only sick for 2 weeks), but I didn't make it just by a few hours. My world has been kind of empty since then.
Who thought I would get to use my one time exit letter from the Misrad HaPnim that they give you when you get your Teudat Zehut, especially for something like this. Luckily the border control didn't even flinch at it.
During my grandfather's last night he woke up, tried to sit on his bed (although he already couldn't move, because the cancer got to his spine) and said "... going to my people". Those were his last words. Then he fell asleep and slept straight until he passed away at 3 pm with my mother and grandmother at his side, exactly as he always wanted, in his own bed. When I heard this, it hit me that these were the last words of Yakov Avinu. And as Chazal said, he didn't really die ...