They Never Lose, We Never Win
I found this article by Rabbi Berel Wein about the latest war with Lebanon very enlightening.
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
My adventures in Israel after making aliyah.
I found this article by Rabbi Berel Wein about the latest war with Lebanon very enlightening.
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
This is a Mediterranean House Gecko. In Hebrew he is called Shmamit HaBatim - שממית הבתים
We didn't name him yet. I still have to get a terrarium for him, because I don't think he is very happy in his plastic container.
The largest number of new olim from the US, UK and Canada in one day, landed yeterday in Israel. Welcome to all new olim!!!
Hizzbolah announced that they will pay for destroyed homes in Lebanon. What I thought was interesting that they didn't just promise to pay for it, but they actually specified exactly what they will do.
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
As I was reading the article about how our Chief of Staff, Dan Halutz, sold all of his stock shares right after the soldiers abduction (I guess in anticipation of a war and the market crashing), and his probable resignation over the disaster in Lebanon, I remembered the poem by a famous Russian-Jewish (apostate) author, Alexander Galich, which was shown to me for the first time by my late grandfather a"h.
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
This just showed up on Haaretz's front page. Look at the picture and look at the headline underneath it. See anything wrong with it? Why is that soldier engulfed in a ton of flames while crossing the Lebanese border back into Israel?
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
Even the Lebanese wanted us to beat Hizbolah. How sad? We failed everyone, even the enemy.
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
Exactly a year ago when we made aliyah, Olmert was the one to speak in front of mainly right-wing religious crowd. He made some dumb comments about the disengagement which almost caused a riot in the terminal. And now, after a practically failed war, when no one likes him, he is planning to address the same type of a crowd, except much bigger, again? He just doesn't learn. I just hope he doesn't tell them how "we won", and "if they just would have showed up earlier we would not have had this war at all", or some other stupidity.
This is insane. IDF general says that if IDF soldiers in Lebanon don't have enough food or water they can break into Lebanese stores and steal it. Read on.
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
I always thought that Christians don't really like the idea of hell, but they don't have a choice because that's what they are always preached. However that turned out to be not true. Read about the preacher who decided to preach that hell is not a real place and lost all of his followers.
As we are getting closer the so called cease-fire dead line I have been thinking about the status of what we have achieved in this war. So far we have not defeated Hezbollah, as today they pounded us with over 200 rockets, we have not brought our soldiers back, and we lost over 100 soldiers and even more civilians and over $1 billion. Close to a million people either left their homes or spent the last month in shelters.
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
This was the latest headline on Haaretz:
This was a first one for me. Read this profile of a normal Muslim Israeli family. I love the father's statement: "I am happy that I am not religious". I guess religion is the problem here. If only Nasrallah would watch more MTV and drink more beer everything might have been ok.
This is an email I received today from an American Oleh who runs a Bed and Breakfast in the Galilee, in Moshav Zippori.
Labels: War in Lebanon 2006
Over 3 weeks my beard grows really huge and it drives me absolutely crazy. So I wanted to mention that it is permitted to shave your beard right after the 9th of Av at night even though regular hair cutting and eating meat and drinking wine is prohibited until after chatzos of the following day.
I am sick and tired of reading about the Lebanese displaced. Every single media outlet reports how many hundreds of thousands of Lebanese have been displaced from their homes. But what about the Israeli displaced? How come no one reports about them? There are over 350,000 Israelis who have been displaced from their homes. By us in Bet Shemesh there are hundreds of families sleeping in local schools and community centers who can't work and don't hav enough money and clothes. How come no one reports about them?